Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Freakin Happiness

You guys need to CALM DOWN! I am posting on our blog just so Channing doesn't pee her pants and Ashley have a heart attack. As for Megan...well she needs to tighten up. And tell Miss K (stratch that) Kelanee that she needs to stay put in her chair. Well I don't have any wonderful news to tell you guys, so I guess I will tell you a little bit about my newly formed eating habits. I had a donut for breakfast, about 20 cookies in between morning time and lunch, a hotdog for lunch, more cookies, gummy worms while my dinner was microwaving, two juan burritos, another donut, and some ice cream. So the next time I see you, if you don't recognize me at first, you know why. I also want to say that I have had a crappy life for the last 4 weeks, and I have finally decided to get over it. Call me little Miss Sunshine, because from now on, no more sadness. We are HAPPY. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME??? HAPPY and in case you don't know what the word happy means I will give you a definition:Origin: 1300–50; ME; see hap 1 , -y 1
Synonyms:1. joyous, joyful, blithe, cheerful, merry, contented, gay, blissful, satisfied. 3. favorable, propitious; successful, prosperous. See
fortunate. 4. appropriate, fitting, opportune, pertinent.

Need I say more???? We need to be freakin Happy.

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